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We are lifelong learners about ASD


We have had the opportunity to spend countless hours with the most knowledgeable experts on Autism. Young adults who live with ASD everyday of their lives. We have been referred to as experts, and while we know a lot about ASD, the only reason we  know as much as we do is because the students with whom we work every day have taught us all the lessons we could not learn in a book.


We have learned from this group of individuals that the true strengths inherent within ASD is more than one could imagine. Once these individuals find a niche, they can experience tremendous success as well as personal, academic, and professional satisfaction. We all hear the myths that people on the spectrum don’t have empathy, don’t want to be in relationships, don’t want friendships, and don’t want to be a part of working groups. We can attest that all these myths are just that. From our experience with this group of young adults, we have learned that given the right support and respect, these individuals can feel a sense of belonging and be very successful both in college and in a job.


We are a group of practitioners who happen to research Autism out of interest, but learn infinitely more from the individuals with whom we have the opportunity to work with every day. The lessons they teach us are invaluable and we would like to share those lessons with you. By knowing how to develop effective supports, you can be the practitioner that helps a group of young adults find their place of belonging.


We celebrate neurodiversity and truly embrace that everyone has a different mind and different way of viewing things, if we celebrate these differences in thinking, just as we celebrate biodiversity and cultural diversity, we can truly see this group excel.



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