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Workshop Examples:  These workshop are samples of talks conducted at various universities and places of business. We can tailor the talk to your specific needs.

This workshop is designed to guide higher education professionals through the development of sustainable support programming for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Presenters will discuss each step taken through gaining administrative buy in to developing a fee schedule and budget to create a self-supporting program. While it is understood that there is no "right way" to provide this type of support, presenter can discuss best practices and offer guidance for the benefits of each prong of support.

This workshop is designed to introduce Autism Spectrum Disorders in a non-threatening way. Because this population is so confusing and misunderstood, Neurotypical peers, colleagues, instructors, etc. often are uncomfortable asking questions. By using a popular television character to spark conversation about the difficulties and strengths associated with ASD, participants tend to be more willing to ask the difficult questions. This workshop can be beneficial for any audience.

This workshop is designed to help potential employers develop an understanding of the true qualities and strengths inherent within the population of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. While communication strategies may need to be different, work environments need to be varied, the level of coaching may change, but at the core, individual with ASD have an incredible amount of skills, strengths and talents to offer any potential employer.

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